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So.. what’s the history?

Back in early 2017 the old youth centre on Eden Vale Road had lain empty for three years after cuts in Youth Services across Wiltshire had forced it to close.
A local meeting at the time asked Westbury Juniors if they had the building what they would do with it and the reply was to turn it into a community venue.
From this early enquiry, the idea gathered momentum with the school Governors supporting the Headteacher to spend time developing the project. They decided to invest in a building and electrical survey. The Governors concluded that the building had potential and was not in a poor condition.


By mid-July 2017 the charity was formed and was registered as Westbury Community Project. There was a strong group of trustees formed from a variety of interested parties from across the town. The trustees had a strong commitment not only to gain support locally from the community but also to encourage financial support. They were mindful that over the years there appeared to be a lack of social capital investment in the town of Westbury.
 The level of interest in the “project” was truly humbling, the charity quickly harnessed local residents, families, and in particular, children, Town and Wiltshire Councils, local grant givers and the key stakeholders who will be the primary users. Throughout this period, Sovereign Housing has given valuable support on all levels. 

The Community

WCP Logo
As interest in the project grew, the primary aim emerged and that was to develop the community.

This was to be achieved through the following objectives: 
To engage the local community in developing WCP 
To enrich the lives of all ages of local inhabitants 
To provide activities in a community where there was little 
To reduce isolation and instil togetherness 
To raise the aspirations of the children and adults in the community 
To utilise the building for the benefit of enjoyment, education, participation and contribution to the social capital of the locality 

2019 – 2020

In 2019 after much discussion with Wiltshire Council, the asset transfer of the building to Westbury Community Project ownership was completed.
During the course of 2019, the trustees secured funding and the services of a volunteer project manager, Kevin Down. Also, Baroness Scott the then leader of the Council after a visit to the site led the council to back the project. In recognition of these contributions, the workshop was named the Baroness Scott room and the large space the Gill Down Hall.
Throughout the latter part of 2019 and 2020, the refurbishment of the old Youth Centre started in earnest. Much needed to be done but with the trustees being committed to local tradespeople it all started to take shape.

Before the refurbishment…

Hall before
Vandalised room
Smashed furniture
Smashed door

The Centre now

As the new Westbury Community Project started to take shape the charity was greatly aided by the support both professionally and financially of Sovereign Housing. This funding enabled the national advert to be placed for a Development Manager who would oversee ensuring that WCP opened but would then generate interest from potential hirers.
In August 2020 Kevin Down was appointed as Development Manager. 
With refurbishment complete WCP has like many other community resources it has had a challenging 18 months as it responded to the Coronavirus. We are all hopeful it will be fully operational in late summer 2021!
All in all, it has been so heartening to see such a positive community response and engagement to a germ of idea that emerged in 2017. 


After the refurbishment…

Training Room
Cyber Cafe
Pool Table
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